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Study Bitcoin

The best Books, Videos and Podcasts to learn Austrian Economics, FIAT, central banking, and Bitcoin. 

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Printable Money is Good for Everyone that Controls the Money Printer.

Finite Money is Good for Everyone.

money supply bitcoin

Asset (House) prices go down in terms of Bitcoin over time.

Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 2.45_edited.png

-The above graphs should be self explanatory. Supply and demand create true value.

-The USD is being printed to infinity.  

Bitcoin is the first form of true scarcity in human history.

-The supply schedule is fixed in the code and cannot be changed. 21M total. Ever.

-Demand for Bitcoin is increasing exponentially while new supply is going to zero.

Bitcoin Fixes This - Parker Lewis Article (Aug 2019)

Cost of a house in 2028?


---------- in USD?          $550,000? ------------

---------- in Bitcoin?                    1? ------------


As of Nov 22nd, 2024 ------ 1 house = 4.4 BTC


Common Misconceptions


Bitcoin isn’t backed by anything

-Its superior monetary properties back Bitcoin, the most important being finite scarcity.(see supply chart above)

-The finite scarcity is enforced through decentralized consensus.

-Bitcoin is backed by computing power securing the network(the most secure network in the world).

-Bitcoin is backed by the number of users of the network. 

Both of these are increasing exponentially.

-See graphs of the hash rate (computing power), and number of users(nonzero addresses) – charts below

Bitcoin is not Backed by Nothing - Parker Lewis article (Sep 2019)

Electrical power securing the network 

bitcoin network power

Network Size (orange line)

bitcoin number of users

What is an EH/s?

hash rate bitcoin




Bitcoin and Crypto are the same thing

-Bitcoin is fully decentralized – the network consists of miners in 175+ countries

-There is no company, no board, no CEO, no employees – it is an open-source protocol

-All other cryptos are centralized to different degrees

- Other coins can be shut down by the government - Bitcoin cannot.

-Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology. Other cryptos are just companies. 90% are complete scams.

-Investing in other coins is much more akin to gambling. Do so at your own risk.

-The two articles below explain this concept in much more detail. 

Bitcoin, not Blockchain - Parker Lewis article (Sep 2019)

Dear Crypto & Fiat Bros - Dergigi article



Bitcoin will replace daily transactions

-The Layer 1 Bitcoin protocol is built to be decentralized and secure at the expense of speed.

-It is competing with final transaction settlements – bank transfers of cash between banks(days to weeks)

-Layer 2, 3, and 4 applications(Lightning/Liquid/others) will compete with daily transactions

Bitcoin is a store of value that is gradually replacing stocks/bonds/treasuries and real estate.

Real estate will return to being valued as a property, not as a store of value.

Bitcoin is not too Slow - Parker Lewis article (Aug 2019)



Bitcoin is only used by criminals

-The same thing was said of the internet in the early 90s

-99% of crime is accomplished with FIAT money

-Bitcoin is on a public ledger – all transactions are public and can be tracked

-The addresses can be anonymous, but the fact that every transaction is public is a red flag for criminals

Bitcoin is not for Criminals - Parker Lewis article (Nov 2019)



Bitcoin is just digital gold

-Before Bitcoin, gold was the best money the world had ever seen

-But it had flaws, mainly portability, verifiability, and divisibility

-Governments were able to capitalize on these flaws and take it from people

-The paper gold(ETFs, receipts) today is estimated at 250x the true amount of gold in existence

-With true supply and demand, the FIAT value of gold today would be greater than 250x the current price

​Bitcoin Obsoletes all Other Money - Parker Lewis Article (Jan 2020)


Bitcoin can be understood in a few hours

-Understanding how and why Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology takes time and effort.

-Everyone will learn eventually, but those who learn sooner will benefit to a greater degree.

-you have to learn how the current monetary system works and how it came to be.

-you have to understand the history of central banks, FIAT, fractional reserve banking, and money printing

-you have to learn Austrian Economics – which is based on human decisions

-you have to learn the properties of money and how the Bitcoin protocol works



Link to all Parker Lewis Articles

Link to all Dergigi Articles

Satoshi's original announcement of Bitcoin (February 11, 2009)

announcement bitcoin
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